Known Problems

Engineering Challenge – Structure Overweight

This year’s Engineering Challenge places a maximum weight for the structure based on level (175 grams for Elementary, 135 grams for Middle, and 100 grams for Secondary/University). Mobile scoring and the scoring program currently enforce this maximum weight based on the level of the team.

However, some tournaments have asked how they should record a structure that is over the maximum weight allowed.

First, you’d want to make sure that the “The Structure is eligible for weight score (1=Yes, 0=No)” score item is set to 0 (since the structure wouldn’t be valid).

Secondly, you’ll need to set the structure weight to something that’s within the valid range. Since the score item mentioned above is set to 0, the structure score will be calculated as 0 regardless of the weight entered. You may choose to use the maximum weight or some other value you decide on.

Thirdly, we’d recommend entering the actual structure weight as a comment. Comments are very similar to deductions but there are no penalty numbers associated with them. This can be done in mobile scoring by clicking on the “Add Deduction or Comment” button. If you’re using paper scoring, you can do this by clicking on the box to the left of “Official Structure Weight” on the scoring screen in the scoring program. This comment will be displayed in the raw scores email or the raw scores printout that’s provided to the team.

Reporting Problems

We hope that you won’t experience any problems with the scoring program, but there may be a small number of bugs lurking.

Before reporting a bug, please review the known problems above. Please report any bugs you find in the program that are not already on the list by sending a report to the DI Scoring Forums. Also, please report any program crashes you find, even if it resembles a known problem. Please send the crash file to the program development team, at the DI Scoring Forums.

Please see General Program Information, above, for information about specific testing needs.

If the program crashes, there will be one of two files in the installation directory:

  • DI-Errorlog.txt
  • dump.<a-lot-of-numbers>

Please email these files directly to the scoring development team at (not to the forums, please). Include a description of what you were doing at the time of the crash.